Welcome, on this site I'll keep you informed about my whereabouts in Australia

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I did some major updates on the site. I couldn't do it earlier because of the IT-regulations of the University of Melbourne. They have a really crappy firewall setting that only allows www-browsing and ftp-connections. Because of an multi-million lawsuit in which they are accused of enabling students to download illegal music.

- Yours, Misha


(21-11) Photos of Tasmania and other nice things can now be admired in the gallery!.

(20-11) Afraid of Dutch People? Click here.

(12-11) The first couple of photos from my Central Australia trip can now be gasped on in the gallery. I have high hopes that the others will follow soon despite my hard yakka for the exams.

(9-11) I'm back again! This time from a week in Tasmania where I explored Hobart and toured the island. An update will be published as soon as the forum is back online (Mark hurry!). In the meantime I'll work on the photos of this trip and Central Australia (almost done). Oh yeah, I also have to start opening my books the for exams now. :)

(7-10) I'm back! I wrote a little journal of my experiences on the trip, which y'all can read in the "Text Update" in the forum. It was a great trip which showed me a lot of things in Australia that I didn't knew existed. Photos will be up later.

(19-11) Well the forum finally works again, so I put the last text update there as well. I will be away for the next two weeks, on a trip to Central Australia, so I won't be available online.

(12-11) Since the forum isn't working, I published my seventh update on the forum page.
What are you waiting for go read it .

(7-9) Just wanted to let you know that there are some problems with the server the forum runs on. Unfortunately, this has caused some delay in the publishment of my next update. Please be patient my friends.

(6-8) Well after reading the stories you can now enjoy the photo's of my journey on the East-coast of Australia. If you have any comments or questions, use the forum. I also made a link area on the front page to link to other people in Melbourne wanting to share their photo's. So far there are only two links, so if you have a website and would like to be included e-mail me.

(27-7) After four weeks of travelling along the east coast of Australia, I had to return back to Melbourne because my 2nd semester here starts tomorrow. I'll soon write about all my experiences in the forum and I'll try to get the photos developed asap. The route that I took was: Melbourne - Sydney - Byron Bay - Harvey Bay - Airlie Beach - Cairns - Melbourne. I truly had a wonderful time.

(25-6) First of all, I would like to say that I will be on holidays for the last part of June and the whole of July. This means that I will have limited internet access, so don't get mad at me if I don't answer any mails. Secondly I uploaded some new photos of the past months, unfortunately, they turned out to be pretty big so people with a slow internet connection should be patient. ~ For those of you who will also enjoy some time off; I wish you a very happy and relaxing vacation.

(23-5) Due to some problems with my host, the website was unavailable for some time. My apologies for that. You might also want to check out my forum since I added some updates.

(23-5) My fourth column titled "Het Oranje Gevoel" can be read on the website of the FSR FNWI.

(22-4) Robin Racky is the world champion in SnakeII! Congratulations.

(10-4) New photos added. Victorian Alps Hiking Trip.

(31-3) New photos added. Party and more Great Ocean Road.

(21-3) New photos added. Dolphins, Surfing and The Great Ocean Road. Enjoy!

(14-3) New photos added!!! The Road to Melbourne.

(14-3) I moved to an new ftp site thanks to Sebastiaan. You helped me out here!

(14-3) Forum updated. Thanks to Mark! Become a member.

(14-3) My phone number in Australia is 0401 907 840, sms me!
(for international calls +61401 907 840)

Alicia | Oliver


© Misha (2003)

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