Some interesting facts about Melbourne you might want to know

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Time difference:  +8 hours CET (winter time here now, brrrrr cold).
(click for the time in Melbourne)

Funny Facts:

  • Area 7.826,5 square kilometre

  • Estimated resident population 3.648.811 persons (not including myself)
  • Melbourne was acclaimed as the world's most livable city after topping a two year survey of 200 capital cities conducted by the Washington based Population Crisis Centre
  • More than a quarter of Melbourne's population was born overseas.
  • The World Health Organisation has rated Melbourne as one of the least polluted cities of its size
  • Melbourne has the Australian Grand Prix, a Grand Slam Tournament and the Melbourne Cup (a world-famous horse-racing event, which brings Australia to a halt for three minutes each first Tuesday in November)
  • Melbourne has the tallest building and the largest cinema screen on the Southern Hemisphere (it's quite funny how Australians always look for things on the Southern Hemisphere for comparison)

In Melbourne, it's an offence to

  • Drive a dog or goat harnessed or attached to a vehicle in a public place (Summary Offences Act 1966)
  • Carry out unauthorised rain making operations - that is the 'seeding or nucleating of clouds by artificial means from a manned aircraft'. (Rain making Control Act 1966)

  • Flying kites or playing a game in public which annoys another person (Summary Offences Act 1966)

  • Sing an obscene song, tune or ballad within earshot of someone (Summary Offences Act 1966)

  • Advertise a reward for the return of lost or stolen goods stating that no questions will be asked. (Crimes Act 1958)

  • Have an article of disguise without a lawful excuse. (Vagrancy Act 1966)

  • Leave a motor vehicle unattended with keys in ignition, motor running or doors unlocked. (Road Safety Regulations 1999)

Furthermore, be careful with choosing and hanging out with friends - being found in the company, consorting, or occupy a house frequented by reputed thieves can land you in hot water. (Vagrancy Act 1966) And if you meet up with a pirate - do not trade with them. (Crimes Act 1958)

Partial map:

I live in Carlton between the name Carlton and the Melbourne University.

Average temperatures:

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