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Name: Misha Kuys
E-mail: m.kuys@ugrad.unimelb.edu.au (send e-mail)

I study at the University of Melbourne. I'm enrolled in the Bachelor of Commerce (Management).

My address in Melbourne:

20 Astor Place
VIC 3053

Phone: 0401 907 840 (International: +61 401 907 840)

A nice little survey for your interests:

1. What brand of toothpaste?

Colgate Total


2. Shampoo + Conditioner in one ..or separate?



3. What Brands?



4. What flavor dental floss: Mint, cinnamon, bubble gum, or regular?



5. Do you roll your socks, pull them up, or ?

pull them on


6. Toilet paper: wad or fold?

fold actually


7. Do you know Donald Duck's middle name?



8. Favorite color?



9. Summer footwear: sandals or nothing?

shoes and sandals


10. Apples, oranges, or bananas?



11. Lefty or righty?



12. Glass is half-empty or half-full?

half-emtpy since you always have to drink to the bottom (AD FUNDUM)


13. Bleh or blah?

blah, definately


14. What do you like about yourself?

my personality


15. Would you ever wear Taz boxers?



16. Do you sing in the shower?



17. Do you talk to your cat/dog/rodents?

don't have one


18. Do you talk to yourself?

only in my dreams


19. Do you have a secret crush on your dentist?

euh, not at all, I know her children too well


20. Do you know your mailman/woman's name?



21. Do you give your mailman/woman a gift on Xmas?



22. What's your pet peeve?

Intolerant people who are so plastic, they'd make a good cr




23. What is the lamest pick up line u've ever used?

If I said you have a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?


24. Would you ever buy/use a pink pen?



25. Would you ever buy ANYTHING pink?



26. Mickey Mouse or Bugs Bunny?

Bugz rules!


27. Do you think Daffy Duck is hot?




28. Would you ever recite poetry to a guy?

Already did that in High School, les sanglet longues......


29. If you HAD to, what color nail polish/lipstick would you wear?



30. Do you bite your lip when you're nervous?

not really


31. Would you skip school if you had a huge zit between your eyes on picture day?

nah, try to mask it


32. Do tight jeans make guys look gay?



33. How do you take mascara off?

by taking a shower


34. Would a girl wearing blue/green mascara turn you on?

if she looked hot in it


35. Do you know HOW to figure out bra size?

in they fit in your hands they are size 12B


36. Would u ever wear lip gloss?

to prevent my lips from dehydration yes


37. What's better: gummi sweettarts or sweettart gum?

sweet tart gum


38. M&Ms or Skittles?



39. Do you go to public places with your mom, and actually TALK to her?

yeah I do, my mum is cool


40. What is 1 + 1 ?

a numerical representation of one plus one


41. What is your favorite holiday?



42. Pick one: RuPaul - Dennis Rodman



43. How old are you?

24 yrs young


44. How old do you WANT to be?

15 brave and innocent


45. Where do you want to live?

Somewhere where it's nice and safe and beautiful


46. Where do you want to go?



47. Who do you want to meet?

Ruud van Nistelrooij &


48. Do you like Kool-Aid?

not really


49. Does pine-sol smell good?



50. What are your favorite pizza toppings?

ham, salami, funghi, cheese, olives, artichoce


51. Do you like toast?



52. Do you still carve pumpkins?



53. Do you still leave cookies & milk out for Santa?



54. Have you lost all your (baby) teeth?



55. Have your wisdom teeth seen light yet?



56. Clear or colored?



57. When your dentist asked, what flavor fluoride did you pick: bubble-gum, grape, or mint?



58. Where is your hand right NOW?

on the keyboard


59. What is better: your right ear or left pinky?

both are excellent


60. Okay or O'tay?



61. French poodle or french kiss?

I'd prefer a kiss above a poodle thank you


62. Are 2 x 4's really 2 inches by 4 inches?



63. If not, how big are they REALLY?

1 1/2 X 3 1/2


64. Do you have a 2 x 4 or a 1 x 2?

a 3 x 3


65. Do you know your parents' birthdays/ages?



66. Do you know your siblings birthdays/ages?



67. Does your grandma tell you she is 29?



68. Have you ever used colored white-out?



69. What do you think of Smurfette?

I sympathize with her having to guarantee the survival of the smurf society


70. What is your favorite book?

Lord of the Rings, part III


71. How does a cabin far, far away, with a fire, candles, and the one you love sound?

as long as I'm in it as well!


72. Salmon or Cod?

neither really


73. Crab or Lobster?



74. What sounds better: up or down?

first up then down


75. What sounds better: sideways or sidewards?



76. Ok, NOW where is your hand?

still on the keyboard


77. Describe the best day of your life.

has yet to come maybe...



78. Broom or mop?



79. What is your favorite word?



80. Free! Don't have to answer this since there is no question.



81. What is your full name?

Misha Jaromir Anton Kuys



82. What do you wish your name was?

Kooly Kooldude


83. Describe your kinkiest fantasy.

oh my....


84. What is the weirdest middle name you've ever heard?



85. Are your feet the same size?

yeah, 11's


86. Cassettes or CD's?



87. Is watching "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" a tradition in your home?



88. What are your Christmas traditions?

eating the shit out of me for three days


89. How do you open your envelopes: tear or cut?



90. 410 more to go, are you bored?



91. Do you like onions?



92. What would you name your band, if you had one?



93. Have you ever worn a dress?

euh...don't think so


94. Did you know that if you talk into a vent, someone in a nearby room will hear you?

depends on the size of the vent


95. Frogs or toads?



96. Do u believe in making a wish at 11:11?

not really


97. 8 or 3?

definately 8


98. How long can you hula-hoop for?

quite a while


99. Did you know Dave is AWESOME?

don't we all love dave?


100. You made it to 100. Do you love me now?

would the hurting stop?




I lied, there are more...


101. Did you ever eat crayons when you were little?

only the small ones


102. On your last birthday, what did you wish for?

that my parents would buy a huge cake


103. Do you know all the words to the National Anthem?

only the famous two verses, well almost


104. Is watching the Superbowl a party in your house?

Hell no...


105. Are you going to name your son Elvis?



106. If not, what?

dumb name


107. What about your daughter?

no, not gonna name her Elvis either


108. Describe your most embarrassing moment.

probably Zaterdag-Gladiatordag


109. Do you read tabloids?



110. Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played a girl bunny?



111. Do you like cotton candy?

not really


112. Do you suffer from cramps?

only after a marathon


113. Do you have that not-so-fresh feeling?

nope, I'm as fresh as it gets


114. Favorite food?

Italian and Chinese


115. What would be the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?

make sure I really get the money



116. Ribbed or plain?



117. "Lala" or "Skittle de bop du wop"?



118. Apple pie or cherry pie?

old skool apple pie


119. Pepsi or Coke?

coca cola


120. Strawberry or Vanilla?

why can't I pick caramel?


121. Favorite movie?

The Lords of the Rings, The Matrix, Finding NEMO and James Bond


122. Favorite Actor?

Sean Connery, Christopher Walken, Joe Armstrong


123. Favorite Actress?

Jessica Alba and Hillary Swank (?)


124. Cheerios or corn flakes?

dun care


125. Panty hose or thigh-highs?



126. Do you shave your legs?

not really I tried once though but it didn't really

make me any faster


127. Midnight or mid-day?



128. Hope or Billy?



129. Cottonball or Q-tip?



130. Dry or lubricated?



131. Fast or slow?

fast paced action


132. Hard or soft?

soft is for incompetent people


133. Yogurt or ice-cream?



134. Spoon or fork?



135. Are you crying right now?

not really


136. Fling or flick?



137. Look at your middle finger, on your right hand, what do you see?

a humungous scar


138. Look to your left, what do you see?

some empty computers


139. Look to your right, what do you see?

a girl working on her essay about shakespeare


140. Who is at your house right now?

not me


141. Are your legs crossed right now?



142. Do a few twirls, are you dizzy now?

not really


143. Favorite song?

Self Esteem, Offspring, They stood up for Love, Life and Feel the Beat, Darude


144. Boxers or briefs?

Boxers they punch harder


145. Tootsie pops or blowpops?



146. Big Red, Juicy Fruit, or Doublemint?

Big Red


147. Do you like to fish?

I just to do it with my dad


148. Is your grandpa cool?

10 feet under so probably yes


149. Does your grandpa bore you with long stories?

no boring ones just cool ones


150. Do you snore?



151. Describe how your breath smells right now.

really nice, yes that's true!


152. If you were a girl, would you rather be "Matilda" or "Alexis."



153. Does it taste good?



154. Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge?

I use my finger


155. Do you chew on pens/pencils/--?

yes I eat them


156. What is your favorite comic (like in the paper!) ?

Dilbert, Fokke & Sukke


157. Acting class or class act?

class act


158. Upside-down or downside-up?



159. What's up?

he doc...


160. What does "GROWL TIGER" make you think of?

Richmond Tigers


161. What does this -> .dm,'fglkserhngjkqb; make you think of?

swearing on the internet


162. Blondes or brunettes?

errr.....depends..but probably brunettes



163. Push or pull?



164. If a door says pull, do you automatically push?

nope, well maybe


165. Do you even read those door things?



166. Do spiders scare you?



167. What does?

loosing all my friends


168. Did you know I was scared of FROGS when I was a baby?



169. What was your first word?



170. What was your first phrase?

boekely bokka bu


171. What can you not pronounce?



172. Did you know my phone just rang?

yeah, I called you to ask you why in the hell you wrote this???


173. Is your phone ringing?



174. What's your phone number?



175. Do you eat your toe-nails?



176. Are you in drag right now?



177. Wal-Mart or K-mart?



178. Jim Carrey or Mariah Carey?

singing mariah, movie Jim


179. How many REAL push-ups can you do?

err...50 or something


180. How many fake push-ups can you do?

I like it real


181. Go run a mile. You have ten minutes. -- Are you tired now?

now? now..maybe after I ran the mile


182. Does your bike have 2 wheels?

yes, as a matter of fact it does


183. Are they flat?



184. Can you do a hand-stand?



185. Front or back?



186. Walk backwards for 5 steps. Stop. Turn around. What time is it?

same time


187. Are you on fire right now?

not really


188. If I give you a piece of paper, what are the odds of you not eating it?

about 1 to 50



189. Sprite or 7-up?



190. Mug Root Beer or Dr. Pepper?

dr pepper on Terschelling


191. Bambi or Thumper?

both taste good



192. Do you think Flower is hot?

? no


193. If I told you to jump off a bridge, would you?



194. Would you lick Prince's feet for $5?



195. Do you know there are people who would do that for free?



196. Umm... can you count how many questions are left?

I got no clue


197. Is your left pinky right-handed?



198. 5+7+8-1234569%555x3=?



199. If you had 5 dollars, went to the store to buy 1 apple for 50 cents, but they were out, how many apples would you have?




200. Do you know how many calories you burn when you do the wild thing?

not enough


201. How do you spell Czechoslovakia?

Tsjechoslowakije..but they are two countries now..Czech Republic and Slowakia


202. Can you burp whenever you want?

a little bit


203. Will you call me?

just give me your number


204. What is the corniest pick-up line you've ever HEARD?

Are you drunk enough to sleep with me?


205. When you sit are you actually standing?

Huh? that's dumb


206. Spit or swallow?



207. When it's time for you to go to bed, do you go or stay up?


When it's really time to go to bed it's time to go to bed.


208. Did you know Mariah Carey rulez?

not really..but wasn't she the best selling artist or something like that?


209. How old were you when you were 12?

duh....about 48 months old I reckon.


210. On a good day how many tootsie pops can you eat?

a lot


211. On a bad?

not a lot


212. X-Men or Power Rangers?

X-Men, but Samurai Pizza Cats and Dragonball Z kick ass


213. Go into a crowded public place.. try to bite your ear and hit your chest.. What happens?

Nothing much....I think.


214. Do people give you money?

Yeah, fortuntately they do


215. Pizza or squid?



216. Love or war?



217. What's your favorite sense: touch, sight, hearing, smelling, or taste? And why?

hmmm..I have to say sight...though it may not be as exciting as the others.



218. If you could relive one day of your life, what day, and why?



219. Shake or stir?

shaken not stirred


220. Pen or pencil?

pen..bic-pen is the name


221. On or off?

off-side sux..so I'd rather be on


222. Ribbit or croak?

ribbit ribbit


223. Comb or brush?



224. Sitting: indian-style or on your knees.

sux, can't hold it long


225. What do you call them: Bangs or fringe?

bang bang


226. How long are yours?

quite long actually


227. How long is it?

see 226


228. Will you please send me your picture?

sure it's on my site


229. A large group of friends or a best friend?

a large group of best friends


230. Nick or Shawn?



231. Lori or Kim?



232. Laurie or Lori?

See 231


233. Chris or Kris?

the female one


234. Who is the most perverted person you've ever met?



235. Why?



236. Who is the weirdest person you've ever met?




237. Why?

because there is a thin line between sanity and insanity


238. Would you consider yourself: wild or mild?



239. Would you consider yourself: shy, fly, high, or dry?

the higher you fly the harder you fall I drink to much to be dry.


240. Would you consider yourself: bad, rad, mad, or sad? (ok these are lame so what :P)



241. Wind, water, or fire?



242. Earth or sky?



243. Iced or hot?



244. Mocha or regular?



245. Would you like fries with that?



246. Single or double?

double everything!! mag het speciaal zijn?


247. Mild or hot sauce?



248. What do you think about guns?



249. What color is your hand?

flesh usually


250. Do you like being called nice?



251. Are you right-faced?



252. If you were a frog would you eat flies?

you eat what you eat


253. Do you eat flies already?

only if they fly straight in my mouth, I think I ate some

in CA since there were so bloody many of them..they were everywhere


254. If you were a cat would you eat rats?

ratz yeah!


255. Do you have a pet rat?



256. Name your pets.

Iwan, kloyo en boyo, Timmie and a bunch of fish


257. Do you love your pets?

I did.. miss them.


258. Are you an exclamation kind of person or a period?

dunno..you tell me


259. Do you love me (question mark)

not really


260. VHS or hi-8?

VHS I guess, but DVD is better!


261. What is better: sand or dirt?

sand..whitehaven beach sand to be exact


262. What is better: walks on the beach with sand flying at you or walks in the mountains with killer squirrels?

er..beach is cooler


263. Are you scared of small animals?

not really


264. Alvin, Simon, or Theodore?

alvin! he has the best voice


265. Leave-in or Rinse-out?



266. Straight, waves, or curls?



267. Who is your favorite power ranger?

the black


268. Who is your favorite smurf?

Handy Smurf


269. Who is your favorite GI Joe?

the Cobra dudes


270. Do you love Optimus Prime?

I have uttermost respect for him


271. How did Optimus Prime die in Transformers - the movie?

he piloted his ship straight into a sun to kill the quintessences...


272. Did you watch Pee Wee's Playhouse when you were little?

???? guess not


273. Would you watch it now if it was still on?



274. How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?



275. Will the world ever know?



276. Did you have to go ask Owl to find out?

not really


277. Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Kanga, Roo, Piglet, Eeyore, Rabbit, or Owl?



278. Was Winnie The Pooh better as a cartoon or puppets?



279. Have you ever been to Disneyland?



280. Have you ever been to Disney World?



281. If not, do you want to? If yes, do you want to go again?



282. Have you ever been out of the country?



283. If so, where?

A lot of Europe and US and Australia and Indonesia


284. Do you like where you live?



285. Do a cartwheel. Was that fun?

not really


286. Count your fingers. How many do you have?



287. How many times has Wile E. Coyote been squished?

3.434.546.676.675 times and counting


288. Do you secretly wish the road-runner would get caught?

yes.....please make the hurting stop


289. Who is better: Sylvester or Tweety?

tweety better, sylvester cooler


290. Is your room messy right now?

yes, quite messy...I just got back from a trip


291. Count your fingers again. How many do you have now?



292. Are you sure you counted correctly?

pretty sure


293. Do you have a thing for Peter Cottontail?



294. Have you ever been in love with a cartoon character?

ariel rules


295. What is your favorite TV show?

South Park, The Simpsons, Pizza, CSI, Alias


296. Who is your favorite cartoon character?



297. Who is your favorite TV character?



298. What is your favorite awards show?

KNVB Voetbalawards


299. Do you think you are going to be famous one day?

yeah...as filling in the most stupid list


300. If so, for what? If no, why not?

See 299


301. What was the last certificate/award you got for?

Euh..must have been my PADI Open Water certificate.


302. Are you obsessed with sports?



303. What is your favorite sport?

See 302


304. Do you watch or play that sport?

both..as much as I can


305. What is your favorite basketball team?

Haarlem Globetrotters


306. What is your favorite baseball team?

NY Yankees


307. What is your favorite hockey team?

The Dutch national male hockey team


308. What is your favorite football team?



309. Favorite players?

Ruud van Nistelrooij, Rafael van der Vaart, Mark van Bommel en Mateja Kezman


310. What is the most boring thing to watch on TV?

The Fish Cam on Channel 5


311. Do you watch golf?



312. Who is your favorite golfer?

Maarten Lafeber


313. If you said you weren't bored before, are you now? If yes,

Going strong.



314. What are you the King of?

I'm the King of Kool


315. Can you name all the characters on the Simpsons?

all..of them..geesh..well Homer is the coolest...


316. What is the bartenders name?

Moe Sizlack


317. What is the quickie-mart's owner's name?

Apu Nahasapeemapetilon


318. Who is the police chief?



319. What is your school called?

The University of Melbourne


320. What grade are you in?

euh...sixth year student :)


321. What are your school colors?



322. What is your school mascot?

??? dunno


323. What clubs are you in?

really secret hidden ones


324. Do you have a specific person who is your school mascot?



326. How many teachers do you have?

this semester about three


327. What is your favorite subject?

Managing Organisational Learning


328. Why?

Cuz it's challenging


329. What is your worst subject?

that must have been Strategy last semester or Statistiek 2 back home


330. Why?

it's pointless and well euh..and just useless


331. What do you wish you had done in the past, but didn't?

one should try not to have too many regrets in life


332. What do you wish you hadn't done?

Fucked up too many times...man!..u can't imagine that...starting

filling in this questionaire is a good one though


333. What do you wish for?

Respect, happyness, friends, love, health and creativity


334. What are your goals?

see 333.


335. What do you plan to be?

A big boy..


336. Are you going to college (now or future?)



337. Did middle school suck?

nah..it was cool


338. Did elementary school suck?

See 337


339. Did you call elementary school something else? (grade school, basic?)

yes, basisschool


340. How many people go to your school?

euh..now? around 35.000


341. How many did you wish go to your school?

the more the merrier


342. Do you hate anyone?

yeah, the person who wrote this stupid survey


343. Do you love anyone?

yeah..my friends and family


344. Do you have a friend that you wish wasn't?

Hmmmm.. maybe.


345. Do you read your horoscope?

yeah, daily


346. Do you believe in that stuff?

not really.


347. Whipped cream or fudge syrup?

whipped cream


348. Please tell that someone that you love, just what you're thinking of, if tomorrow never comes! Did they like it?

yeah, been there, done that...


349. Do you pick up pennies off the ground, if you find them?

yes, keep em


350. Have you ever found someone's wallet?



351. Did you give it back?



352. What is the most money you've ever found at once?

50 gulden


353. Who is your favorite model?

hmmmm...I like em all.. (not really) :)


354. Do you think women with a lot of makeup on are prettier?



355. Do you want to be a model?

oh yeah baby


356. Can you walk the runway?

I can run the walkway


357. Have you ever pretended you could?



358. Are you too sexy for your clothes?

maybe..you tell me...


359. Have you ever gone out with more than one person at a time?

yeah..lots of times


If so, what happened?

we had a lot of fun


360. Do you read other people's mail?

errr...sometimes....I sin


361. Are you Curious George?



362. Do you like monkeys?



363. Do you look like a monkey?

yeah..I'm very muscular


364. Are yawns contagious?



365. Does yawning turn you on?

not really


366. Do you like Alanis Morissette?

No, but I like her music a little


367. Do you think she is pretty?

maybe a little


368. Do you think she is a good singer?

she sings better than she looks


369. What type of fetishes do you have?



370. Do you wear socks on in bed?



371. Do socks turn you on?



372. What do your weirdest socks look like?



373. Do your socks have holes in them?

I hope not


374. Do you want a Volkswagon?

nah...bring on the Jag


375. What is that kind of phone called with the round dialer thing that they don't make now?

a telefoon


376. Do your socks smell?

sometimes..after a really sweaty soccer match :)


377. Do you smell?

I smell nice


378. What do you smell like?




379. Will what you smell like make me puke?



380. What cologne do your wear?

Dark Blue


381. Or do you wear perfume?



382. Does it smell better or worse than you?

usually better.. depends on your preferences.


383. Do you like CK-1 or CK-Be?

CK-1 is fine..


384. Do you wish you were a woman?

Nope.. I like to think guys have more fun...


385. So what's your foot doing right now?

sitting on the chair


386. Look up, what's there?

a ceiling


387. Do you have cable?



388. Do you have extended-cable?



389. Do you think the word "HyPeRnEsS" sounds cool?

guess so


390. Do you have caller ID?



391. Do you have call waiting?



392. Do you have 2 phone lines?



393. Do you think the phone company rips you off?



394. Do you like your mom?

yeah, she's great!



395. Do you like your dad?

yeah, he's great too!


396. Do you like your siblings?

I will ...


397. Now that you've been filling this out for a while, do you still remember what 1+1 = ?

no..I totally lost it


398. Do you have to use the bathroom now?



399. When was the last time you did?

just before I got here


400. Do you have a guy bathroom or girl bathroom?

our lavatory is malehood itself...


401. Are you the God of Kinkiness?

yeah, I think I am..


402. What is your bathroom's color theme?

color theme is no theme


403. What room are you in now?

the computer room


404. What color shows up there the most?



405. Do you know who Keroppi is?

yeah he's the frog from Donut Pond


406. Do you know what Sanrio is?

the maker of Hello Kitten..


407. Can you wink with either eye?



408. Can you roll your tongue?

yeah..exciting huh


409. Do you have a chin-cleft?



410. Do you like MTV?



411. Do you like Beavis and Butthead?

I did actually


412. Are you double-jointed?



413. When was the last time you went to a picnic?

with my family here


414. Do you like parks?



415. Do you like hiking?

I do


416. Do you like kids?



417. Are you a kid?

sometimes :)


418. Do you want kids?

not now please


419. Do you want kids now?

see 418


420. How many kids do you want?

3, two boys one girl


421. Do you want to be a single parent?



422. Are you going Easter egg hunting?

on easter yes


423. Do you hide Easter eggs from yourself?

yeah..I don't have a short memory so that's pretty cool (NOT)


424. Do you hide gifts/money from yourself so you find them later and are surprised?

nah..I only hide em from the tax collectors


425. Do you like your memories?



426. Have you ever been digging in your backyard (if you have one) and found something interesting?

I did actually


427. If so, what? If no, start digging!

old antique shit


428. Did you know my phone just rang again?



429. Now is yours ringing?



430. What is your favorite radio station?

Nova FM


431. Do you know what a jingle is?

yeah..jingle-bell jingle-bell


432. Does your radio station have one?

yeah they do..


433. Have you memorized all their commercials?



434. Do they play as many commercials as they play music?

luckilly not


435. What kind of music do they play?

popular music


436. Are you hungry right now?

no..I'm not


437. Do you know of all the radio stations in your area?



438. Do you not even care?

not really


439. When were you the most surprised last/ever?

pfffffff......hard one..dunno


440. Why? What happened?

too confusing


441. Uhoh. My phone rang again. Did you know that time?



442. Do you like it or hate it when people call?

mostly like


443. Are you psychic?



444. Are you psycho?



445. Do you like Beck?



446. Do you have 2 turntables and a microphone?



447. Do you want to be a DJ?



448. Are you a DJ?



449. Do you know "where it's at"?



450. Where do you want to be right now?

somewhere on a tropical beach would be nice


451. Make a fist. Do you feel manly now?



452. Do you like school?

yeah..no responsibility !



453. Do you bathe daily?

I try, I really try


454. Weekly?



455. Monthly?



456. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

open my eyes


457. Do you like waking up?

no..I like sleeping


458. Are you a morning person?

no..more a night person


459. Would you let a girl paint your nails if she asked?



460. Do you do it yourself?



461. Do your grandparents live in a cabin?

no..the one that still lives lives in an care centre


462. Do you want to be the Unabomber junior?



463. Are you scared of the Easter Bunny?



464. What about the Tooth Fairy?



465. Do you like sitting on Santa's lap?

yes...especially if he gives me presents!


466. When was the last time you did?

about 18 years ago or so


467. Would you sit on Santa's lap for some silly putty?

nahit has to be worthwhile


468. Do you have a Ken doll?



469. Do you like him?



470. Do you want Barbie?



471. Do you still play with GI Joes?



472. Are Transformers cool?

they are awesome..the best ever


473. Do you love A Christmas Story?



474. Is it time to slam down?

it's always time


475. Does A Wonderful Life make you sick?



476. Do you like glue?

only biological glue


477. What is your favorite recreational sport?



478. Do you have a car?



479. What kind?

no kind


480. What kind of car do you want?

Jaguar XK8 or a Lamborghini Diablo


481. Have you ever swam in the Nile River?



482. Do you have a thing for alligators?

a little thing


483. Are you a cat-man or a dog-man?

dog man


484. Would you rather go to church or pet your dog?

pet the dog


485. What is the plural form of "SWAN"?



486. Do you like geese?



487. Do you like hot dogs?

I like dogs that are hot


488. What about hamburgers?

yeah..like em too


489. Ketchup, mayo, or mustard?

mayo or speciaal


490. What is your favorite letter?

"Dear Misha ......"


491. Cup or glass?



492. How many calories are in one 8 OZ. serving of Western Family Strawberry-Banana lowfat yogurt?



493. Are your feet cold right now?



494. Do you believe in aliens?

I believe I believe


495. Have you ever seen a UFO?



496. What is your newspaper called?

The Age


497. Do you enjoy work?

nah..not really


498. Do you consider yourself smart?

I did untill I started this survey


499. Do you like your ears?

I like them


500. Do you know what?

yes I do know that...



WOW, made it!!!



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